much time has passed since the last post dedicated to news about accessories and clothing, I apologize for this but I have to confess one thing: the creations in Sl have all become so boring and not very creative (probably just my feeling).
So when I saw the new staff of
THE ABYSS I finally felt the urge to say: hey look!
that fucking wonderful things!
So I just have to advise you to go see the new releases of Abyss, and so you can see something original and very well done!
TAXI HERE- Skin : Prida by Mother goose
- Hair :PKJ371 by Boon
- Eyes : ID 2043-3_EYES [Pine] by The Abyss
- Mouth : OpenMouth addon By [pxl]
- Lipstick : Il verde#2 by la Malvada Mujer
- Brows : Olina by Lelutka